Welcome to our gallery representing some of the work produced during the courses and Sunday sessions.
Sarah Bell
Grant Bucknell
Rose Phillips
Rose Phillips
Clare Bowan
Rose Phillips
Rose Phillips
Sarah Bell
Sean Wagner
Sarah Bell
Suzi Stephens
Yolande Armstrong
Janet McEwan
Rose Phillips
Sarah Bell
Sarah Bell
Hilary Kirkman
Millie Wilkins
Professor Tanya Krzywinkska
Eliza Armstrong
Rose Phillips
Phil Ward
Kirsten Elswood
Rose Phillips
Rose Phillips
Rose Phillips
Rose Phillips
Lee Stevenson
Grant Bucknell
Rose Phillips
Michelle Ohlson
Eliza Armstrong
Rose Phillips
Sarah Bell
Professor Tanya Krzywinkska
Laurie Montag
Lee Stevenson
Rose Phillips
Suzi Stephens
Caroline Ward
Rose Phillips
Gillian Goodsman
Janet McEwan
Rose Phillips
Rose Phillips
Grant Bucknell
Rose Phillips
Michelle Ohlson
Janet McEwan
Laurie Montag
Millie Wilkins
Eliza Armstrong
Rose Phillips
Laurie Montag
Rose Phillips
Laurie Montag
Rose Phillips
Rose Phillips
Sean Murphy
Larry Hartwell
Laurie Montag
Rose Phillips
Rose Phillips
Rose Phillips
Grant Bucknell
Phil Ward
Laurie Montag
Janet McEwan
Larry Hartwell
Lee Stevenson
Rose Phillips
Rose Phillips
Rose Phillips
Sarah Bell
Rose Phillips
Janet McEwan
Laurie Montag
Rose Phillips
Lee Stevenson
Grant Bucknell
Rose Phillips
Grant Bucknell
Laurie Montag
Sean Wagner
Julie Robinson
Sue Rogers
Rose Phillips
Rose Phillips
Sarah Bell
Rose Phillips
Rose Phillips