Portrait Painting Intensive with Tim Hall
This is a five day intensive focused on the rigours of painting portraits in oil.
Times: 10am-4pm, lunch 1pm-2pm.
This is a five day intensive focused on the rigours of painting portraits in oil.
Times: 10am-4pm, lunch 1pm-2pm.
This is a five day intensive focused on the rigours of painting portraits in oil.
Times: 10am-4pm, lunch 1pm-2pm.
About the Workshop & Tutor
Those of you who are regular PAOTY watchers may recognise Tim from the 2023where he painted Lucian freud’s neice. Or some may be aware of Tim’s work adorning the walls of the mall galleries.
Or, like our Larry, you might know him or re cognise him as he lives locally in West Penwith. Larry advised us that Tim expertly mixes all of his colours out on his palette before even commencing any painting at all and sounds very thorough indeed - and is in part why we have asked him to come teach this course. Help us get organised!
You can find out more about Tim here.
The course will be a comprehensive look at Portrait Painting in oils that is suitable for any level of experience from beginners through to professionals alike and will be tailored to those who sign up for the course, and will involve some demonstrations from Tim, alongside being put through our paces.
Time will be given to cover the varioust elements involved in getting the drawing down, drawn up, whether this is working from a live figure or from other source media, getting the drawing right affects everything that follows and so it is essential to cover this element thoroughly in order to have a chance of getting a good likeness.
We will also cover working in reverse - painting, followed by working in line.
Tim will go into detail sharing his own methodical process of colour mixing, and help us to give appropriate attention to palette preparation and our work area. This will give us more freedom to focus on the actual painting when everything is already laid out properly.
Special attention will be given to tonal value, the importance of lighting, and we will be working from life but also covering how to work from other source material.as well as looking at the actual paint application ( brush strokes) and composition.
As with all taught sessions, this course is more about learning that can be integrated into practice rather than on getting results and showing that which we can already do. Learning to record the most useful information about our subject, discovering something about seeing the structure of the head. Learning ways of describing. It's more about succumbing to being a student and being open to discourse, intervention, and learning, so we can then make informed choices about what is useful to us and incorporate into regular practice.
What is provided?
All equipment, paper, and materials are provided but feel free to bring any favourites of your own. A selection of teas and coffee, organic milk and plant based milk, plus a selection of treats will also be available.
Terms & Conditions
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Course & Workshop Terms & Conditions