Anatomy for Life Drawing.


A chance to explore the basics of anatomy in ways useful to representing, expressing and translating the human form.

Date: Sunday head and shoulders.

Time: 11.45am-5.45pm

Cost: £40

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A chance to explore the basics of anatomy in ways useful to representing, expressing and translating the human form.

Date: Sunday head and shoulders.

Time: 11.45am-5.45pm

Cost: £40

A chance to explore the basics of anatomy in ways useful to representing, expressing and translating the human form.

Date: Sunday head and shoulders.

Time: 11.45am-5.45pm

Cost: £40


About the Workshop & Tutor

Duncan Cameron is incredibly passionate about drawing, often working in sketchbooks daily catching the public unaware., and collecting found animal skeletons and crustacean claws which often appear in his drawings. Although a frequent visitor to the life room throughout his more than 30 year career as a visual artist and educator, Duncan’s creative practice is predominantly 3D and as such his thinking and approach to drawing the human form has an inherent focus on the structure - i.e.the anatomy. Learn more about Duncan Cameron here.

Intermittently, as his schedule permits, Duncan will be delivering workshops that take us through the main anatomical components - simplifying structures and forms of the skeleton and the muscular system. Focusing on key markers to look out for, and breaking down some of the average approximate relative proportions to aid a generic understanding.

We will be working with a skeleton - attempting to get the skeleton into the same pose as the model where useful, to see what is actually happening underneath the surface of the pose. Though I am not sure whether or not Duncan will be expecting us to attempt to place the entire drawn skeleton within the human form pose as he has done in a number if hs own drawings…………quite possibly so. He mentioned that once you have done this a few times it starts becoming much easier to do and then feeds back into our thinking and observing in our usual drawing practice.

Although many life drawing tutors don’t focus on teaching anatomy per se, it is important to develop an enquiry into why we are seeing that which we do when drawing the human form. Sometimes the understanding of the underlying structure can help us to see what is there in front of us better and be better able to represent/describe/translate this. Also, better able to see where our drawing falls down.

As with all taught sessions, the course is more about learning that can be integrated into practice rather than on results and showing that which we can already do. Learning to record the most useful information about our subject, discovering something about seeing the structure of the body, learning ways of describing, rather than developing finished pieces of work. It's more about succumbing to being a student and being open to discourse, intervention, and learning, so we can then make informed choices about what is useful to us and incorporate into our regular practice..

What is provided?

All equipment, paper, dry materials as well as some Indian inks are provided but feel free to bring any favourites of your own. A selection of teas and coffee, organic milk and plant based milk, plus a selection of treats will also be available.

Terms & Conditions

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Course & Workshop Terms & Conditions

Anatomy for Life Drawing Gallery